Hurricane Rite™ for HVAC
Our Customer used 3 different types of sheet metal screws. Blunt point Type B, 60 degree Type AB and 30 degree sharp tip screws. Because of UL requirements, Type B screws must be used around wires and do not start well for the line operators. The operators also do not like handling the 30 degree sharp tip screw. Some of these screws are also causing strip-out problems on the line. Service technicians are getting scratched by the type AB and 30 degree screws when servicing the furnace.
Shakeproof introduced the Hurricane Rite™ Screw. The Hurricane feature eliminated all strip-out issues. The Rite Screw has a radius point tip that is not sharp and installs the same as sharp pointed tip screws. The radius point also meets the UL requirement of no sharp tip screw around wires.
Our customer was able to consolidate all 3 types of screws in to 1 Hurricane Rite™ screw. This also solved all the other issues of hard to start Type B screws, sharp screws that were hard to handle and no more injuries for service technicians.